
Heartfulness Kenya Donations

Heartfulness Institute is a global non-profit organization with thousands of volunteer trainers who serve millions of meditators in over 130 countries. Its mission is to contribute to the development and evolution of a peaceful and holistically balanced society, with a spirit of human well-being and oneness.

Specifically, within Africa, we have our network of Heartfulness trainers and volunteers across most parts of the continent who offer training in meditation and rejuvenation techniques to individuals and institutions, free of charge. In 2016/2017, the Heartfulness Institute had trained thousands of youth of Kenya in Heartfulness meditation and relaxation techniques. This was possible due to an engagement with the local NGO, CAP-YEI that works for the youth from disadvantaged sections of society.

This model is also throwing light on what possible models of engagement may work in the context of Africa that is a rich ground for humanitarian and developmental work. While efforts are in progress in this area, there is dire need to address the inner need for peace, harmony and integration through simple to use and scalable tools and interventions in the current context. Similarly, Heartfulness activities have picked up momentum in other parts of Africa through the networking of NGOs, Ministries, local community groups, etc. In Madagascar, the ministry of education has integrated Heartfulness relaxation and meditation into the school curriculum. Changes in the children like improved attention span, academic performance and emotional intelligence are noticed by the teachers and trainers alike

In 2019 an NGO was formed in Kenya (named Heartfulness Institute Kenya, NGO), with the objectives to · Further the expansion of Heartfulness, both as a way of life and a journey towards oneness; · Promote heart-based behaviours, lives, communities and societies; · Initiate broad-based synergies between groups and institutions sharing common vision and values of love, peace and harmony;

This objective resonates with African aspirations for 2063 as articulated in African Union`s Agenda 2063: `The aspirations reflect our desire for shared prosperity and well-being, for unity and integration, for a continent of free citizens and expanded horizons, where the full potential of women and youth, boys and girls are realized, and with freedom from fear, disease and want.`

To date, a resource centre has been established in Nairobi and paid staff are actively building capacities to deliver on our objectives.

We request the public to join hands with our NGO and contribute financially in order to expedite our goals

Thanking you in anticipation

Heartfulness Institute Kenya, NGO