
Shri Ram Chandra Mission USA

Voluntary Donation – Options to donate


Checks should be payable to “Shri Ram Chandra Mission” and mailing it to the following address

Shri Ram Chandra Mission
P O Box 3413
Princeton NJ 08543

Bank Transfer

You can also donate using money transfer from your bank directly to SRCM

Account No.: 381047312593
Account Name: Shri Ram Chandra Mission
Routing Number: 021200339
Address: PO Box 3413, Princeton NJ 08543
Please send an email to us.treasurer@srcm.orgafter the transfer is complete.

Wire Transfer

You can also donate using wire transfer from your bank directly to SRCM

Account No.: 381047312593
Account Name: Shri Ram Chandra Mission
Routing Number: 026009593
Address: PO Box 3413, Princeton NJ 08543
Please send an email to us.treasurer@srcm.orgafter the transfer is complete.


Please send stock to Shri Ram Chandra Mission's account at Merrill Lynch. DTC and
Account info is as follows:

Acct Title: Shri Ram Chandra Mission
Account No.: 208-02926
Receiving Firm: Merrill Lynch Wealth Management
DTC#: 8862

Notify SRCM of Gift

For SRCM to identify your gift and send a tax receipt, kindly send an email to  us.treasurer@srcm.org and  us.accounts@srcm.orgwith the gift details requested below:

Full name of donor:
Email of donor:
Telephone of donor:
Date of transfer:
Name of security:
Number of shares transferred:

Online Donations (Credit Card)

If you need any additional information please send an email to Dheeraj Tandon, SRCM USA Treasurer at us.treasurer@srcm.org or you may call (917) 497 4628.